__      __ __          ___            __   
/  \    /  \  |__   ____\_ |__   _____/  |_ 
\   \/\/   /  |  \ /  _ \| __ \ /  _ \   __\
 \        /|   Y  (  <_> ) \_\ (  <_> )  |  
  \__/\  / |___|  /\____/|___  /\____/|__|  
       \/       \/           \/         

a Slack /slash command

Purpose: Whobot remembers skills you give it to describe yourself, and can recall other team members' skills on command. Whobot is opt-in - it will only remember your skills if you tell it to, and will forget about you if instructed to do so.

Add to Slack

How to Use:

/whobot Show the Whobot about & help message


Whobot help

/whobot I know <skill>, <skill> Give Whobot a comma-separated list of skills you know. Creates a new profile for you or adds new skills to your existing profile.

/whobot I know javascript, jquery, angular, es6, noodle

Whobot I know

/whobot forget <skill> Removed the specified skill from your profile. Useful in case of typos!

/whobot forget noodle

Whobot forget skill

/whobot who is @user_name Ask Whobot about another team member to discover which skills they claim to know.

/whobot who is @jay

Whobot who is

/whobot who knows <skill> Retrieve a list of all users who know your specific skill.

/whobot who knows jquery

Whobot who knows

/whobot forget me Remove all knowledge of yourself from Whobot's memory.

/whobot forget me

Whobot forget me

/whobot statistics Display statistics for your team's most popular skills.

/whobot statistics

Whobot statistics